2021 many dreams came true for me- I started my business, stayed consistent on my new Instagram platform and created a blog. 

Wow only now do I realize what a huge accomplishment that was. 

There were many times where I felt I wasn’t contributing enough, or am I even relevant? But I had strong people in my corner to ground me and push me through- for you I am grateful!

I am aware that I wasn’t the kindest to myself and I accept 2021 as a year of learning.

This new year, that will change. I will stay true to myself and share on my social platforms because I truly enjoy doing so- but with the difference of putting my health and happiness before everything. 

This way I can show up on every platform of my life as the best version of myself. 

Here are my 2022 resolutions. Excited for all of you to join me on this journey,
2022 I’m taking the reigns.

HELLO, 2022!


JANUARY 12, 2022

• Figure out my allergies (skin reactions + food aversions)
• Exercise (I used to be at the gym 3-5 times a week minimum and I haven’t been consistent for a while. I need to get back on a good schedule)
• Fuel my body with with fresh foods 
• Fuel my mind with positive words and affirmations (journaling + reading) 


• Save money 
• Educate myself on investments (stocks + properties) 


• Create a strategic business plan 
• Work hard- but SMART (evaluate what has worked and what hasn’t + make changes accordingly)
• Create business cards! 


• Put time and energy into those that fill my cup (time and energy are very valuable and I often placed them in the wrong areas of my life)
• Let the light within me glow 
• Take time to nurture the relationships that are important to me - quality over quantity 


Here's to 2022! 

xo Flo



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